Thursday, 30 April 2015

Cloudy Skies

The partly cloudy sky dominates this photo
of the level fields...

...which lie between the forested mountains.
(It's sure was handy to have
my little point and shoot camera with me)  :  )

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Farmer's On the Go

The farmers are busy emptying their manure pits...

...and fertilizing their fields....

...a sure sign spring is here.

Monday, 13 April 2015

Yellow Cheer

Our Leopard's Bane has been blooming it's heart out
for weeks now
with it's cheerful little yellow daisy like flowers...

...a wonderful reminder of my mother's flower garden.

...and the Pansies love the spring weather as well.
Thank you for visiting my blog!

Monday, 6 April 2015

Living Gardens

My hubby was hard at work today.  : )
The fresh bark mulch in the gardens
make all the plants  seem to pop...

Yes, spring is here...

..and all the gardens are coming alive.